8 Reasons Why Spring + Cleaning + Home Inventory = Happy, Refreshing & Responsible

Posted by on Apr 8, 2014 in Home, Insurance | 0 comments

Spring CleaningThings are finally starting to look a bit like Spring.  This time of year is typically for many of us in the Midwest, a time of rebirth, and renewal. Things are beginning to green up, the snow blades are being replaced by mowers and we begin to emerge from our caves that we have spent countless days cooped up since the change of seasons.  Finally the fresh air and greenery outdoors make us want to pretti-fy our indoor spaces, too. It just makes us feel better.  And “Spring Cleaning” was created for just that reason. This is the one time per year most of us deep clean, get rid of, donate, freshen up, and clean up our homes.

How do you answer this question though?

If your home was subject to a tornado or fire, or theft, could you realistically  list every valuable possession in your home? Better yet, could you prove those possessions were actually in your home? If the answer is no, it’s important you add home inventory to your spring cleaning list.


  • Find a home inventory spreadsheet, checklist, or software that fits your budget and preferences. You can even get “an app for that”. *Be sure to write the policy number on top, in the event of a loss, we are never able to find that information as easily as we like.
  •   The more detailed your inventory, the better. That being said, don’t make it too complicated. An easy way to do a home inventory is go from room to room, photographing or videotaping the contents of each room, then jotting down descriptions and details. Don’t forget your closets, cupboards, and drawers.
  • Once you have the photos/video of your possessions and keep them private, Store them on an SD card, Jump Drive, in a safe, or stored off site or “in the cloud”.  Most smart phones now are plenty good enough to do all the pictures/videos.

  • Write down (or photograph)  the serial numbers of your electronics so you can provide them on a police report, helping law enforcement track down stolen items if they are sold.

  • Keep receipts of large items like electronics, artwork, and jewelry. If you don’t have the original receipts, you may be able to use past credit card statements or return to the retailer for proof of purchase.

  • Keep the home inventory list in a safe place (i.e. use protected software or store in a safe deposit box) so it is not lost, stolen or destroyed.

  •  Keep your inventory current. Update it every year, especially if you buy, sell, or give away items. Failing to keep your inventory updated could result in not enough (or too much) insurance coverage.
  • If this project is too big for you to do on your own, hire an inventory specialist or contact your local insurance agent.  Many local agents like Bragg Insurance offer home inventory services as well as digital picture storage.

Taking a home inventory does not provide the same immediate gratification as “spring cleaning” does, however; if you have ever been in the situation or known someone who has, they would say, “spring cleaning is nice, home inventory is mandatory”.

Inventory 2If you don’t believe me, Ask those who have had it happen to them.  I promise not one person will tell you they do not see the value in taking a Saturday to complete this task.

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