
3 Elements to Age in Place

Posted by on May 25, 2017 in Home, Our Blog, Safety | Comments Off on 3 Elements to Age in Place

The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University predicts that by 2035, the population of those 65 and older will grow to approximately 79 million — up more than 30 million from today. And 90 percent of adults in that age group prefer to remain in their homes, according to AARP. For those who would like to stay in their homes into their golden years, updating these three areas to accommodate changing needs is something worth tackling sooner rather than later. Lighting A well-lit home, both indoors and out, is a fundamental component of safe, long-term living. Start by making...

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Why Insurance Market Value is less than Replacement Cost of Home

Posted by on May 20, 2016 in Education, Home, Insurance | Comments Off on Why Insurance Market Value is less than Replacement Cost of Home

One of the most common questions our office receives is:  “Why does the insurance company say the market value of my home is much higher than it is actually worth?”    First, the questions is worded improperly.  Not intentionally, but the problem is that the “market value” of your home has zero to do with the “Dwelling A” (or reconstruction cost) coverage listed on your declaration page.  Or what most of us believe to be the “value” of our home. So then how does it really work?   My home is valued at $75,000, I owe $80,000 and the insurance...

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8 Reasons Why Spring + Cleaning + Home Inventory = Happy, Refreshing & Responsible

Posted by on Apr 8, 2014 in Home, Insurance | 0 comments

Things are finally starting to look a bit like Spring.  This time of year is typically for many of us in the Midwest, a time of rebirth, and renewal. Things are beginning to green up, the snow blades are being replaced by mowers and we begin to emerge from our caves that we have spent countless days cooped up since the change of seasons.  Finally the fresh air and greenery outdoors make us want to pretti-fy our indoor spaces, too. It just makes us feel better.  And “Spring Cleaning” was created for just that reason. This is the one time per year most of us deep clean, get rid of,...

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