
Tired of Hearing about Health Insurance? Did you know it is all over March 31st, 2014?

Posted by on Mar 19, 2014 in Health Insurance, Insurance | 0 comments

We are all exhausted of the over publicized, over media-ized, over everything ized, about Healthcare Reform and what it means to us. We are simply tired of hearing about the Affordable Care Act, all of its troubles, the stress it has placed on so many, the people who have lost jobs, or hours, or pay because of it. Who’s for it?  Who’s against it, and why?  It is a line drawn in the sand type of issue. I get it.  Believe me.  I get it. Here is the deal though; For this moment,  It is the law;  and, for now,  that is not going to...

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St. Patrick’s Day Trivia, and A Reminder to be Irish Responsibly

Posted by on Mar 17, 2014 in Education | 0 comments

March 17th is traditionally the day recongnized to commemorate the death Saint Patrick in 461AD and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, it is known as the day of “The Feast”.  It is also recognized as celebrating the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. Many people today recognize March 17th as the start of  spring, yet the actual start of spring is 3 days later on March 20th.      Test your skill at some of the top St. Patrick’s Day Facts: Odds of finding a four-leaf clover are 1 in 10,000. The largest St...

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Now Available—Affordable Individual Vision Insurance

Posted by on Mar 10, 2014 in Insurance | 0 comments

Great news! Now you can get affordable individual vision insurance that will save you hundreds on your next eye exam and pair of glasses—all from consumers’ #1 choice in vision care*, VSP®. As the only national not-for-profit vision care company, VSP puts its members first and reinvests in providing the best care at the lowest out-of-pocket cost. Here’s what you can expect with your individual vision plan: Lowest Out-of-pocket Cost of Any Vision Plan As a VSP member, you’ll enjoy a typical savings of over $200 per year on your eye exam and...

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Can You Name the top 5 Oscar® Nominated movies about…..INSURANCE?

Posted by on Feb 26, 2014 in Insurance | 0 comments

I Bet you Can’t without looking?  That beautiful gold statuette celebrating his 88th year this weekend!  The world loves movies, and Oscar.   But movies about…..Insurance?? Insurance movies do not generally top most people’s list when it comes to exciting movie premises. Yet there are many films with insurance themes that were box office hits—and some even won an Academy Award®. Here are five Oscar®-nominated movies about insurance: 1. Lloyds of London (1936): This loosely historical film follows the rise of the London insurer...

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Should you Purchase Flood Insurance?

Posted by on Feb 20, 2014 in Insurance | 0 comments

Should you Purchase Flood Insurance?

–Excerpt taken from the Hendricks County Flyer 2/20/2014 Officials warn of possible flooding The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is reminding Hoosiers to be aware of the possibility for strong storms followed by flooding in some areas. The National Weather Service predicts the storms could contain damaging winds, lightning and periods of moderate to heavy rain. The combination of melting snow, rain, and a deeply frozen ground may cause flooding. Hoosiers should make sure cell phones and other electronic devices are fully charged...

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5 Tips to Buying Life Insurance

Posted by on Feb 5, 2014 in Life | 0 comments

 “Knowledge is Power”  A quote I have always remembered.   When it comes to things like buying insurance, that statement could not be more true.  Planning for your first life insurance purchase  can be an overwhelming and daunting task.  The era of the Internet now allows most of us to get an online quote from the comfort of our home or office chair.  That is a now a standard and acceptable way to research and purchase insurance.  The second way is to meet with an agent to help you.  Life Insurance Agents are sometimes like...

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5 Steps to Determine if Your Employers High Deductible Health Plan is Right for You

Posted by on Jan 29, 2014 in Health Insurance | 0 comments

  Choices.  We all like them.  We all want them.  We all believe we should be entitled to them.  But what about in our health coverage options?  I am not about to open the Affordable Care Act can of worms about healthcare reform.  No, what I am talking about is  why do I now have two different insurance plans to pick during my employers open enrollment?  And more importantly? How do I know which one I should enroll in?   The truth of the matter is, there isn’t a good plan or a bad plan when it comes to these two types of choices, what...

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Understanding Basic Insurance

Posted by on Jan 20, 2014 in Insurance | 0 comments

A meteor hits your home. Are you covered? You hit a deer with your car.  You drive through the garage door. Covered?  Most of us, unless you live and breathe insurance OR have experienced one  of  these unforseen events, you don’t really know.  When it comes to buying insurance many people assume they are covered, but many times find out all too late, they should have taken the time to understand  more of exactly what they have. A good agent should always take the time to explain the coverages to you.  You likely won’t remember...

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Indiana Weather + Potholes = EXPENSIVE repairs

Posted by on Jan 13, 2014 in Auto, Insurance | 0 comments

Indiana has just experienced weather like it hasn’t seen in 20 years.  We  have heard terms like, Polar Vortex, Flooding, Drifting, Blizzard, Snow, and Wind Chills below zero, but just as dangerous as all the actual “conditions outside” is the infamous “pothole damage” that can cause expensive repairs to our cars like damage to the tires, hub caps, struts, and alignment. These repairs can quickly add up leaving you with repairs up to a thousand dollars or more. What Part of my Insurance Policy covers for Pothole...

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